Surya- Jyothika: The philanthropic couple

With power comes responsibility seems to be their mantra. They hold a respected and powerful position in society, a position they use to put smiles on faces that direly need help. This time the celebrated couple of the city, Surya and Jyothika, were at Apollo Speciality Hospital to commemorate Rose Day.

Their presence kindled abundant joy in young cancer patients, which was out of bounds for the general public when the couple was there. they gifted toys and other presents to these patients. Surya was effusive in his praise of these children’s courage to battle with this gruesome disease. When the children presented a cultural programme to entertain their eminent guests, the couple was pleasantly surprised. Jyothika even commented that she learnt a few dance steps from these children.

According to Dr. Revathy Raj, paediatric haematologist at Apollo Speciality Hospital, the occasion elevated the spirits of the patients and their parents. They sure were in need of such merriment.

You too can help these kids out by gifting them or spending some time with them. Your little deed can make a huge difference in their lives.

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