Actor-choreographer-director Prabhu Deva offered prayers at Guruvayur Sree Krishna Temple on Wednesday. His visit comes nearly a week after his divorce with wife Latha aka Ramalath was finalized by the Chennai court.
Prabhu Deva spent about 10 minutes in the temple after the morning 'Seeveli' ritual, reports said. He presented a bunch of 'kadali' plantain to the presiding deity and received 'prasadam' from the priests.
"Both Nayanthara and Prabhu Deva are on personal a visit to Guruvayur. However, the actress was not present with him when he visited Guruvaur Sree Krishna Temple and offered prayers to the Almighty", sources add.
The principal family court in Chennai on Thursday last granted divorce to Prabhu Deva and Ramalath. The judge, TCS Raja Chockalingam, said the marriage conducted on September 8, 1995 was being dissolved on mutual consent.
Tags: Prabhu Deva Nayanthara wedding bells, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara latest news, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara recent updates, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara news, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara guruvayoor temple visit photos, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara guruvayur photos
Prabhu Deva spent about 10 minutes in the temple after the morning 'Seeveli' ritual, reports said. He presented a bunch of 'kadali' plantain to the presiding deity and received 'prasadam' from the priests.
"Both Nayanthara and Prabhu Deva are on personal a visit to Guruvayur. However, the actress was not present with him when he visited Guruvaur Sree Krishna Temple and offered prayers to the Almighty", sources add.
The principal family court in Chennai on Thursday last granted divorce to Prabhu Deva and Ramalath. The judge, TCS Raja Chockalingam, said the marriage conducted on September 8, 1995 was being dissolved on mutual consent.
Tags: Prabhu Deva Nayanthara wedding bells, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara latest news, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara recent updates, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara news, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara guruvayoor temple visit photos, Prabhu Deva Nayanthara guruvayur photos